We are delighted to share that ThingLink now supports xAPI for tracking and sharing analytics from immersive learning experiences with other learning systems. This,...
Introduction: Operational resilience is no longer just about maintaining business continuity; it’s about staying adaptable and responsive to evolving challenges....
In an era where learning experiences are rapidly evolving, system integrators hold a critical role in helping organizations upgrade their digital learning infrastructures....
Finding engaging and effective methods to train employees is crucial for both individual skill development and team cohesion in any organisation. An escape room...
Kyla Ball
7 min read
ThingLink has become an essential tool across numerous industries, making the learning experience more relevant and relatable at every stage. The impact in healthcare...
Discover the future of nursing education with the “Care for Europe” project, where immersive tours and interactive modules seamlessly prepare students...
💡 ThingLink Launches their AR Solution: Augmented Reality Simplified for All 📱 Breathe life into the ordinary with ThingLink’s brand new Augmented Reality...
Discover the new ThingLink Augmented Reality App! In this exclusive free webinar Louise from ThingLink is joined by Special Guests Patryk Wójtowicz, Savonia University...
In this article, we look at examples of the use of elearning platforms to solve training challenges in the health and care sector. These include: What is online...
Kyla Ball
6 min read
Medicine and healthcare is a sector in which imaging technology has always played a crucial role. From the first use of x-ray technology, via ultrasound 3D scans,...
Kyla Ball
5 min read
This case study was written by Tim Cappelli, Lead for Technology Enhanced Learning and Hayley Hewitt, Instructional Designer, both from the University of Huddersfield....
Kyla Ball
11 min read
If you create or provide eLearning courses or workplace training, or you create any type of content marketing, you need to know how to use infographics. Infographics...
How can you make engaging interactive infographics if you’re not a professional graphic designer? In fact, creating this type of visual content can be really ...
Increase the effectiveness of your online training with multimedia interactive simulations and virtual tours. eLearning course content creation is easy with ThingLink!...
What is interactive content? The opposite of static or passive content, interactive content is one which users actively participate in or engage with. This...
How do you create a real-life learning scenario? Step 1: What makes up a scenario-based learning experience? The 5 Simple Cs at the center of this learning theory...
Impactful uses of Scenario Based Learning experiences for your learners Here are five great examples of where SBL would work really well – use this to give...
It’s now even easier to create slick and professional-looking interactive content with another of ThingLink’s handy new content tools. The Grid Feature allows...
At Samiedu Vocational College in Finland, teachers and employers jointly created highly effective training programs with ThingLink which have increased students’...
Kyla Ball
7 min read
Ammattiopisto Samiedun eWorking-hankkeessa opettajat ja työnantajat luovat yhdessä koulutusmateriaalia, josta hyötyvät sekä opiskelijat että uudet työntekijät....
7 min read
In Finland, eight vocational educational institutions collaborated to create a diverse online learning environment – the HyGGe school – where users ...
7 min read
HyGGe-hankkeessa hyvinvointiteknologia halutaan tuoda tutuksi hyvinvointialan opiskelijoille ja ammattilaisille tarinoiden avulla. Aidontuntuiset caset auttavat...
7 min read
As technology continues to advance, virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D models are becoming much more commonplace across all industries, particularly healthcare. ...
Kyla Ball
3 min read
The medical school at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) uses real-life escape rooms to recreate typical time-critical emergencies for students. They ...
Kyla Ball
7 min read
Kirjastojen kesälukukampanja tarjoaa uusia ideoita kesälomalle lapsille ja nuorille. Kampanjassa on luotu lapsille lukuseikkailu Lumotun puiston salaisuus, jonka...
7 min read
Kotihoidon työntekijät tarvitsevat monenlaisia digitaitoja työssään ja heillä on keskeinen rooli asiakkaan motivoimisessa digitaalisten palvelujen käyttöön. Kiireisen...
6 min read
Poikkeusoloissa fyysisiä kouluvierailuja ei voi järjestää. Ammattiopisto Samiedussa vierailut kouluun ja virkistyskäynnit Savonlinnaan tehdään virtuaalisesti...
4 min read
Jotkin korkeakoulukurssit on helppoa siirtää verkkoon, mutta entä oppiaineet, joihin liittyy koneita, materiaaleja ja monimutkaista rakentamista ja joissa opiskelijat...
4 min read
Normaalioloissa yritykset voivat järjestää opiskelijoille vierailuja tiloihinsa, kertoa kasvokkain työelämän tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista ja järjestää...
1 min read
ThingLink lanseerasi tällä viikolla integraation Canvan, maailmanlaajuisen visuaalisen viestintäalustan, kanssa. Mahdollisuus luoda perusgrafiikkaa Canvan avulla...
1 min read
In the fields of health care and logistics, hands-on experience is the key. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the teachers of Raseko in Finland created virtual learning...
This year our education team wishes to send the ThingLink community a special festive greeting. We’d like you to join us to celebrate the good moments, ThingLink...
Are you looking to create Virtual Tours and Expeditions? Do you need to view tours in Virtual Reality mode? ThingLink is the perfect solution for the task. This...
When Covid cancelled a medical school’s in-person workshop, ThingLink provided a way that learners could work with an interactive and realistic scenario to piece...
Kyla Ball
5 min read
Suomalainen koulutusteknologiayritys ThingLink ja Helsingin yliopisto ovat sopineet monivuotisesta yhteistyöstä. Yhteistyö valjastaa interaktiiviset kuvat, videot...
1 min read
Curators at Middlebury College Museum of Art in Vermont, Sarah Laursen and Sarah Briggs, developed Vermont Art Online with ThingLink when museums, galleries and...
Video lessons for online learning are in high demand. This post explains how you can make them more engaging and impactful by including a layer of additional virtual...
Over the years we have featured several projects designed for remote learning or collaboration. We have received many inquiries about how ThingLink can be used ...
The first results from testing a virtual course module on entrepreneurship are promising. Our partner Omnia Education Partnership conducted a survey among...
Thousands of digital professionals use ThingLink for creating interactive virtual tours, experiences, lessons, and presentations that may include several types...