Join us for an unmissable webinar celebrating a year of innovations with ThingLink! 🌟 We are excited to invite you to discover all the incredible updates we’ve...
Join us for an exclusive look into how Canva and ThingLink complement each other to create a powerful toolkit for immersive learning experiences! Are you ready ...
Infographics are the fastest and easiest way to present any complex information. In this blog we’ll show you how to create interactive infographic designs even...
To help you stay ahead, we’re excited to present our webinar “Innovation in Learning and Development”, where we’ll explore these emerging trends...
We are delighted to share that ThingLink now supports xAPI for tracking and sharing analytics from immersive learning experiences with other learning systems. This,...
Unlocking the Power of xAPI: Enhancing ThingLink’s Integration Capabilities Introduction: In the fast-evolving world of digital learning, tracking and analyzing...