L’Echo Creates Award-Winning Multimedia Journalism with ThingLink
Multimedia reporting is being used ever more frequently by all media platforms. In this blog we showcase a great example of multimedia journalism from Belgium which...
Multimedia reporting is being used ever more frequently by all media platforms. In this blog we showcase a great example of multimedia journalism from Belgium which...
Miten 3D-mallit ja 360-videot auttavat uusien laitteiden käyttöönotossa ja kesätyöntekijöiden perehdytyksissä? Millaisia tosielämän simulaatioita ensihoidon...
“There are those who follow maps, and those who make them.” Alberto Villoldo How to create interactive maps You don’t need to invest in an expensive...
Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiri KSSHP ja Pohjoisen Keski-Suomen ammattiopisto Poke loivat yhteistyössä 3D-malleja hyödyntävän oppimisympäristön ThingLinkillä....
At Samiedu Vocational College in Finland, teachers and employers jointly created highly effective training programs with ThingLink which have increased students’...
ThingLink has been placed in an impressive three separate categories by Capterra, the free online service that helps organizations choose the right software. In...