Virtuaaliset koulutukset energia-alalla: 3 esimerkkiä
Virtuaaliset oppimisympäristöt tarjoavat energia-alalla yhä enemmän mahdollisuuksia uusien työntekijöiden perehdytyksiin ja koulutuksiin. Esimerkiksi...
Examples of ThingLink in action from around the world and inspiration for creating training, distance learning, professional development modules and immersive virtual work environments.
Virtuaaliset oppimisympäristöt tarjoavat energia-alalla yhä enemmän mahdollisuuksia uusien työntekijöiden perehdytyksiin ja koulutuksiin. Esimerkiksi...
Some inspiring examples of interactive maps created by ThingLink users. Thanks to mobile apps like Google maps, we are now all used to using maps every day that...
“There are those who follow maps, and those who make them.” Alberto Villoldo How to create interactive maps You don’t need to invest in an expensive...
5 types of interactive content you can easily create today with ThingLink September 14, 2022 / 4 minutes of reading / By Louise Jones Stuck ...
What is interactive content? The opposite of static or passive content, interactive content is one which users actively participate in or engage with. This...
What is the future for corporate training? Scenario-based learning (SBL) is quickly becoming the industry standard for corporate learning or workplace learning ...
How do you create a real-life learning scenario? Step 1: What makes up a scenario-based learning experience? The 5 Simple Cs at the center of this learning theory...
Impactful uses of Scenario Based Learning experiences for your learners Here are five great examples of where SBL would work really well – use this to give...
Scenario-based learning (SBL) is an instructional strategy where learners pick their own path based on the choices they make. Learners are placed in interactive...
It’s now even easier to create slick and professional-looking interactive content with another of ThingLink’s handy new content tools. The Grid Feature allows...
At Samiedu Vocational College in Finland, teachers and employers jointly created highly effective training programs with ThingLink which have increased students’...
Ammattiopisto Samiedun eWorking-hankkeessa opettajat ja työnantajat luovat yhdessä koulutusmateriaalia, josta hyötyvät sekä opiskelijat että uudet työntekijät....