Create Immersive Virtual Tours & Expeditions with ThingLink
Are you looking to create Virtual Tours and Expeditions? Do you need to view tours in Virtual Reality mode? ThingLink is the perfect solution for the task. This...
Examples of ThingLink in action from around the world and inspiration for creating training, distance learning, professional development modules and immersive virtual work environments.
Are you looking to create Virtual Tours and Expeditions? Do you need to view tours in Virtual Reality mode? ThingLink is the perfect solution for the task. This...
When Covid cancelled a medical school’s in-person workshop, ThingLink provided a way that learners could work with an interactive and realistic scenario to piece...
Suomalainen koulutusteknologiayritys ThingLink ja Helsingin yliopisto ovat sopineet monivuotisesta yhteistyöstä. Yhteistyö valjastaa interaktiiviset kuvat, videot...
Curators at Middlebury College Museum of Art in Vermont, Sarah Laursen and Sarah Briggs, developed Vermont Art Online with ThingLink when museums, galleries and...
Schools and workplaces in several countries are facing a new situation as organizations take preventive measures amid the growing number of coronavirus cases around...
Video lessons for online learning are in high demand. This post explains how you can make them more engaging and impactful by including a layer of additional virtual...
Interactive videos, posters and virtual tours can be powerful instructional tools that help teachers and students work together remotely using not only text-based...
Over the years we have featured several projects designed for remote learning or collaboration. We have received many inquiries about how ThingLink can be used ...
The first results from testing a virtual course module on entrepreneurship are promising. Our partner Omnia Education Partnership conducted a survey among...
Väinö Paunu is a transportation company from Tampere, Finland. The company was looking for new ideas and tools for training their bus drivers. This need came ...
One of the most interesting application areas for virtual lessons and visual learning environments is technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Examples...
Thousands of digital professionals use ThingLink for creating interactive virtual tours, experiences, lessons, and presentations that may include several types...