DIGIDEMO’s modules help to teach transferrable skills to Finnish high school students
How could transferrable skills, or “transversal competence” mentioned in the Finnish general upper secondary curriculum be taught in an inspiring way?...
Examples of ThingLink in action from around the world. Inspiring ways to use ThingLink which we hope will spark your creativity. Qualitative and quantitative data from users which show the difference ThingLink can make to your project.
How could transferrable skills, or “transversal competence” mentioned in the Finnish general upper secondary curriculum be taught in an inspiring way?...
Norelcolla uusien sähköasentajien koulutuksiin halutaan panostaa, jotta työntekijät oppisivat työvaiheet kerralla oikein tuottavimmalla menetelmällä. Isommassa...
Miten lukion uuden opetussuunnitelman laaja-alaista osaamista voisi opettaa innostavasti? Miten opettaa esimerkiksi demokratiakasvatusta ja yhteiskunnallista osaamista?...
Are you looking for a way for your students to find out about job opportunities, learn about education options and get feedback on their CVs? When they couldn’t...
The János Vitéz Memorial Exhibition is a collaborative virtual exhibition organized by the Petofi Literary Museum in Budapest. Between March and May 2021, over...
Kuinka opiskelijat pääsisivät kuulemaan työpaikoista, selvittämään opiskeluvaihtoehtoja ja saamaan palautetta CV:nsä tekoon pandemia-aikana? Rekrytointitapahtumaa...
The Scottish design museum creates interactive learning resources that reflect the innovative, global and democratising themes in their recent exhibitions. This...
CEBS, a global provider of IT solutions for digital transformation, announces partnership with immersive learning platform ThingLink to accelerate the adoption...
ThingLink + Fingrid create virtual electricity power station environments for immersive, effective site safety training Are you looking for a cost-effective, carbon-efficient...
Miten turvallisuusopastuksissa voitaisiin säästää aikaa ja ajokilometrejä? Miten kontakteja voitaisiin vähentää pandemia-aikana? Fingridillä uusien työntekijöiden...
In this case study we take a look at how a lecturer created an award-winning series of interactive virtual tours of field trip sites for post graduate students ...
New Caney Independent School District (ISD) added ThingLink to their roster of online learning resources in 2020 and it soon became a valuable tool with many applications....